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Competition Introduction

Registration for the competition has closed, thank you for your support!

















網絡對社會的影響(如健康上網文化、網絡危機、 網絡文化差異)







提交作品截止日期  2023年6月30日

評審及公布結果     2023年7月下旬

頒獎禮                  2023年8月中旬






1. 個人獎 

冠軍:VR-Oculus Quest 2 128GB        (小學組及中學組各一名) 

亞軍:iPad 第九代64GB                     (小學組及中學組各一名) 

季軍:Marshall Emberton藍牙喇叭       (小學組及中學組各一名) 


2. 學校獎 






  1. 創意:創新、原創性及新穎的表達方式   35%

  2. 製作:構圖、美觀性及感染力                35% 

  3. 切題:內容與主題的配合度                   30%


請致電 2549 5106 與文建康先生或賴夏頴小姐聯絡。





  1. 參賽者可自行製作/拍攝原圖進行改圖,或可瀏覽以下網站獲取素材(須遵守該網站的授權規則),並運用創意修改圖片。(、(

  2. 參賽者可以使用任何圖像編輯軟體或工具,但必須在提交作品時提供編輯前的原始圖像。

  3. 每份作品須附標題,並以不多於100字的中文或英文介紹作品及創作靈感。

  4. 參賽者可提交多於一份作品,最多為五份,否則會被取消參賽資格。

  5. 每份作品檔案大小為15MB以下。

  6. 遞交作品需儲存為JPG、PNG或PDF檔,並在(填寫參賽表格時上傳。

  7. 本會不接受以郵寄光碟、電郵、親身遞交等方式提交作品。如學校想統一收集及處理學生參賽作品,請聯絡5592 7474文建康社工及賴夏頴小姐。


  1. 所有作品必須為參賽者本人的原創作品及並無侵犯他人的權益(包括但不限於版權),且從未以任何形式於媒體、公眾場合或其他比賽展示或發表,亦不可在本比賽結束前參與其他同類型比賽,否則相關作品會被取消參賽資格。 

  2. 所有作品不能含有淫褻、誹謗、粗俗、歧視等不雅內容,主辦機構有權不作事先通知下取消其參賽及得獎資格。

  3. 參賽作品提交後,版權屬主辦機構擁有。主辦機構有權編輯及使用任何參賽作品,在任何媒體作刊載、宣傳或展覽之用,當中包括但不限於網上平台、刊物、印刷品、模型、影片及多媒體製作等,而毋須通知參賽者或向參賽者支付任何版權費用。

  4. 參賽者必須填妥參賽表格,並有責任確保所填報之資料完整屬實。任何不符合參賽資格或違規者,均可能被取消資格而不予以通知。

  5. 未能出席頒獎禮的得獎者,須在頒獎禮後三個月內自行聯絡香港家庭福利會-「網想家」(熱線/WhatsApp:5592 7474) 領取獎項。逾期者不予保留獎項,恕不另行通知。

  6. 參賽者必須清楚明白比賽規則,遞交作品即表示已同意遵守和接納是次比賽所有規則。 

  7. 參賽作品不可以抵觸或違反適用法律或規則,或涉及相關原素。

  8. 為公平起見,主辦機構、評審團及其他與本比賽有關之員工及其直系親屬,均不得參加本比賽。 

  9. 主辦機構保留任何比賽規則及條款、獎項及評審安排之解釋及修訂權利,而毋須事先作出知會。主辦機構所作出之決定為最終依歸。



  1. 參賽者及相關人士所提供之個人資料將用於是次活動報名、聯絡、意見調查、賽果公布及安排活動/計劃一切事宜之用。 

  2. 為上述目的,參賽者及相關人士的姓名及所屬學校名稱或會在主辦機構的網站及/或透過其他網站及/或媒體披露。 

  3. 參賽者必須提供參賽表格所需的個人資料。如閣下未能提供,主辦機構未必接納閣下報名參與是次活動。

  4. 如經連結進入主辦機構以外的網站,即表示已離開主辦機構的網站。任何向此等網站提供的個人資料所涉及的保安和.資料保障事宜,主辦機構概不負責。

Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
Supporting Organisation: 
The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education
Competition Objectives:
The competition aims to raise students’ awareness and understanding of information literacy, encourage them to use digital tools and skills to create meaningful images and enhance their understanding of image editing and usage.
Primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong.
Competition Categories:
The competition is divided into primary and secondary school categories, and students must compete according to their grade level in the 2022/23 school year. Both categories are for individual participation.
Competition Theme:
The Impact of the Internet on Society(such as healthy online culture, online risks, online cultural differences…etc.)
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society will upload a short video introducing the image editing software on 12th April for interested participants to view. Please stay tuned for updates on the website.
Registration Details and Submission Methods:
Interested participants must complete the registration form online ( on or before 30th June. Each participant can submit up to five competition pieces, otherwise, they will be disqualified from the competition.
(*Participants who submit multiple works are only eligible for one prize*)

Competition Schedule:
Deadline for submission                    June 30, 2023
Judging and result announcement      Late-July 2023
Award Ceremony                            Mid-August 2023
Announcement of Results and Award Ceremony:
The competition results will be announced on the website ( in July 2023. Winners will receive a phone call and WhatsApp message notifying them of the award ceremony arrangements and must confirm their attendance within one week of the notification.
1. Individual Award
Champion: VR-Oculus Quest 2 128GB                                (one each for primary and secondary school categories)
First runner-up: iPad 9th generation 64GB                           (one each for primary and secondary school categories)
Second runner-up: Marshall Emberton Bluetooth speaker     (one each for primary and secondary school categories)
2. School Award
Most Active Participation School Award: Certificate and trophy (five schools)
The submitted works will be preliminarily selected by the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society and then scored by the judging panel based on the judging criteria to select the champion, first runner-up, and second runner-up. The Most Active Participation School Award will be awarded to the top five schools with the most submitted works. The award results depend on the final decision of the judging panel.
Judging Panel: Representatives from Hong Kong Family Welfare Society, The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education, and professional representatives.
Judging Criteria:
  1. Creativity: Innovation, originality, and novel expression method  35%
  2. Production: Layout, aesthetics, and emotional impact                 35% 
  3. Relevance: Relevance to the content and theme                         30%
The organiser would provide a video (in both Cantonese and English) to introduce the contest specifications and regulations, submission method, and basic image-editing software to facilitate participants’ understanding of the contest. The video will be uploaded on 12th April on (

Please contact Mr. Man Kin Hong or Ms. Lai Ha Wing at 2549 5106.
Entry Requirement: 
  1. Participants can create/edit their own original images or use materials from the following websites (must comply with their licensing rules) and manifest their creativity to modify the images: (, (
  2. Participants can use any image editing software or tools but must provide the original image before editing when submitting the work.
  3. Each work must include a title and an introduction of the work and creative inspiration in Chinese or English within 100 words.
  4. Participants can submit up to five works, otherwise, they will be disqualified from the competition.
  5. The file size of the submitted piece might be below 15MB.
  6. Submissions must be saved as JPG, PNG, or PDF files and be uploaded along with the registration form on
  7. The organisation does not accept submissions through mail, email, or in person. If schools wish to collect and process student entries, please contact Mr. Man Kin Hong and Ms. Lai Ha Wing at 5592 7474.
Competition Rules: 
  1. All competition works must be the original creations of the participant and not infringe on the rights of others (including but not limited to copyright). The works must not have been shown or published in any form in the media, public events, or other similar competitions before the end of this competition. Otherwise, the related works will be disqualified.
  2. All works must not contain indecent, defamatory, vulgar, discriminatory, or offensive content. The organiser reserves the right to disqualify any entry without prior notice.
  3. After submission, the organiser owns the copyright of the entries. The organiser can edit and use any entry for publication, promotion, or exhibition purposes in any media, including but not limited to online platforms, publications, prints, models, videos, and multimedia productions without notifying the participant or paying any copyright fees.
  4. Participants must complete the registration form and ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete. Any participants who do not meet the eligibility criteria or violate the rules may be disqualified without notice.
  5. Winners who are unable to attend the award ceremony must contact the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society- “HealthyNet” (Hotline/WhatsApp: 5592 7474) within three months after the ceremony to collect their prize. Prizes will not be retained for latecomers, and no further notice will be given.
  6. Participants must understand and comply with all the competition rules. Submitting an entry indicates that they have agreed to comply with and accept all the rules of the competition.
  7. Entries must not violate applicable laws or regulations or involve relevant elements.
  8. To ensure fairness, the organiser, judges, and their immediate family members are not allowed to participate in this competition.
  9. The organiser reserves the right to interpret and revise any rules, terms, awards, and judging arrangements of the competition without prior notice, and the organiser’s decision is final.
Personal Data Collection Statement: 
  1. The personal data provided by participants and related individuals will be used for the purposes of this competition, including registration, communication, opinion surveys, the announcement of results, and arrangements for all matters related to the competition.
  2. For the above purposes, the name of the participant and their school may be disclosed on the organiser’s website and/or through other websites and/or media. 
  3. Participants must provide the personal information required on the registration form. If you fail to provide such information, the organiser may not accept your registration for this competition.
  4. By accessing websites other than the organizer’s website, you are deemed to have left the organiser’s website. The organiser will not be responsible for security and data protection matters related to any personal information provided to such websites.
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